Friday, July 25, 2014

Summer in White Mountains, New Hampshire

It has been a fast and furious month of July. First, thank you to the wonderful guests that I got to meet this month. We have had guests from all over the globe in July. Many hikers, cyclists,  and a couple  Appalachian through trail hikers. We had several individual travelers, many families, and a couple groups.

One group was  here for a couple weeks to do a service project with the local Nature Conservancy to help maintain and create new hiking trails. Nice job to these young ladies! We also had participates staying here for  two big events in the area. The two big fundraisers were for the Mount Washington Observatory "Seek the Peak" and the second was for Tin Mountain Conservancy "Century Ride"

Both great organizations and well worthy of everyone's support.  A special plug for Susan Beane the organizer for the Century Ride as she was one of the original managers of this hostel! We also had or first art installation of artist Alex Barringer. I can't stop looking at it! I am still looking for other Native Artists to do pieces if you interested please contact me.

Also this month this  hostel turned 19 years old on July 24th. Happy Anniversary!

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