Thursday, May 1, 2014

A Mothers Pride

For Pavla and her Mom.

It is always moving to me to see a traveler talk their parent into staying at a hostel for the first time. Having done this a long time I can usually tell by the nervous hesitancy on the parents part. I can see the thoughts "I can't believe I am going to stay at a hostel"! But I have to say it's most gratifying to see the relief when they come back to the desk after checking in and touring the hostel. They look like they are going to be ok!

But beyond this, how cool is your parent, who is willing to travel with you to a hostel. Very cool in my book!

I was reminded again this past week why I love hostels, and the joy this mode of travel provides for the guests,  and frankly for myself the host as well. A mother and daughter checked in and when the daughter went to pay the mother would not have it. She said "its on me" and then looking at me and beaming with the best expression of pride I think I have ever seen, she said " my daughter here just graduated with her PHD". I forget , sorry, exactly in what but I do remember it involved working towards a cure for cancer. Well if a mothers pride could cure cancer we would all be all set! I was a pleasure to host you both and best wishes for all your work in your field ahead. I certainly feel hopeful their are great people out their working towards this goal.


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